Deep cleaning your hardwood floor is wonderful to help extend its lifespan, but it’s not always needed. Sometimes you may not have time for a deep cleaning either. The beauty of hardwood flooring is that doing a super quick cleaning is extremely easy, and it’s perfect when you don’t have a lot of time to spare. With prior planning, you’ll be able to have a super clean floor in minutes! Here’s what you need to know!

super clean floors
  • Step 1: Get some welcome mats for any door that leads outside. Putting a mat just inside or outside of the door will collect any dirt before it gets tracked into the house. For extra protection, you can have a mat on either side. This could be helpful if you live in a particularly muddy area or your job is particularly dirty.
  • Step 2: Dust mop daily. We hear the grumbles, but hear us out. We don’t mean pull out the huge mop with a bucket of water and a backbreaking clean every day. Dust mopping simply refers to giving your hardwood floors a dusting. This will remove any daily dirt or dust that accumulated to prevent scratches on the floor. This could be a ten-minute task in the morning or evening depending on how much hardwood you have.
  • Step 3: Clean up spills as soon as they happen. Despite the protective seal on the hardwood, it’s not particularly fond of liquids and will get damaged if the spill sits for a length of time. The faster you clean it up the fewer headaches you’ll have later on.
  • Step 4: Wet mop weekly with a special microfiber mop designed for hardwood. This takes your quick daily dusting to the next level. With a residue-free hardwood floor cleaner and the microfiber mop, you’ll be able to pick up what the daily dusting might have missed.
  • Step 5: Hardwood flooring is gorgeous and brings a touch of elegance to any home, however sometimes it needs a little help. There are certain high-traffic areas in your home such as in front of the couch in the living room, the play area for the kids, and even in the office where a chair is rolling around through the day. In those areas, you can put down a rug that compliments the rest of the room and gives a little extra protection to the hardwood.

All of these steps combined will dramatically reduce your cleaning time. If you’re looking to update your hardwood flooring contact us today!